

jumptable filesystem | kernel | sdcard | spi | textui | video | filesystem krn_chdir | krn_close | krn_fopen | krn_fread_byte | krn_fseek | krn_getcwd | krn_mkdir | krn_open | krn_opendir | krn_read_direntry | krn_readdir | krn_rmdir | krn_unlink | krn_update_direntry | krn_write_byte | krn_chdir change current directory In A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path Out C, C=0 on success (A=0), C=1 and A= otherwise


library fat32 | joystick | keyboard | sdcard | spi | uart | util | vdp | fat32 fat_chdir | fat_close | fat_fopen | fat_fread_byte | fat_fread_vollgas | fat_fseek | fat_get_root_and_pwd | fat_mkdir | fat_mount | fat_opendir | fat_read_direntry | fat_readdir | fat_rmdir | fat_unlink | fat_update_direntry | fat_write_byte | fat_chdir change current directory In A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path Out C, C=0 on success (A=0), C=1 and A= otherwise


BIOS At initial boot time, the ROM bank containing the BIOS is banked in. The BIOS initializes the hardware, such as the UART and the video chip, and tries to load the steckOS loader executable (usually LOADER.PRG) from SD card and executes it. If that fails, the BIOS expects a PRG binary uploaded via XMODEM. UART baud rate and the name of the steckOS loader executable can be configured and are stored in the RTC’s NVRAM.