filesystem | kernel | sdcard | spi | textui | video |
krn_chdir | krn_close | krn_fopen | krn_fread_byte | krn_fseek | krn_getcwd | krn_mkdir | krn_open | krn_opendir | krn_read_direntry | krn_readdir | krn_rmdir | krn_unlink | krn_update_direntry | krn_write_byte |
change current directory
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path - Out
- C, C=0 on success (A=0), C=1 and A=
X, index into fd_area of the opened directory (which is FD_INDEX_CURRENT_DIR)
close file, update dir entry and free file descriptor quietly
- In
- X, index into fd_area of the opened file
- Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
A, error code
open file regardless of file/dir
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
Y, file mode constants O_RDONLY = $01, O_WRONLY = $02, O_RDWR = $03, O_CREAT = $10, O_TRUNC = $20, O_APPEND = $40, O_EXCL = $80 - Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
A, error code
X, index into fd_area of the opened file
read byte from file
- In
- X, offset into fd_area
- Out
- C=0 on success and A=received byte, C=1 on error and A=error code or C=1 and A=0 (EOK) if EOF is reached
seek n bytes within file denoted by the given FD
- In
- X - offset into fd_area
A/Y - pointer to seek_struct - @see fat32.inc - Out
- C=0 on success (A=0), C=1 and A=
or C=1 and A=0 (EOK) if EOF reached
get current directory
- In
- A, low byte of address to write the current work directory string into
Y, high byte address to write the current work directory string into
X, size of result buffer pointet to by A/X - Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
A, error code
create directory denoted by given path in A/X
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to directory string
X, high byte of pointer to directory string - Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
A, error code
open file regardless of file/dir
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
Y, file mode constants O_RDONLY = $01, O_WRONLY = $02, O_RDWR = $03, O_CREAT = $10, O_TRUNC = $20, O_APPEND = $40, O_EXCL = $80 - Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
A, error code
X, index into fd_area of the opened file
open directory by given path starting from directory given as file descriptor
- In
- A/X - pointer to string with the file path
- Out
- C, C=0 on success (A=0), C=1 and A=
X, index into fd_area of the opened directory
readdir expects a pointer in A/Y to store the F32DirEntry structure representing the requested FAT32 directory entry for the given fd (X).
- In
- X - file descriptor to fd_area of the file
A/Y - pointer to target buffer which must be .sizeof(F32DirEntry) - Out
- C - C = 0 on success (A=0), C = 1 and A =
otherwise. C=1/A=EOK if end of directory is reached
readdir expects a pointer in A/Y to store the next F32DirEntry structure representing the next FAT32 directory entry in the directory stream pointed of directory X.
- In
- X - file descriptor to fd_area of the directory
A/Y - pointer to target buffer which must be .sizeof(F32DirEntry) - Out
- C - C = 0 on success (A=0), C = 1 and A =
otherwise. C=1/A=EOK if end of directory is reached
delete a directory entry denoted by given path in A/X
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to directory string
X, high byte of pointer to directory string - Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
A, error code
unlink (delete) a file denoted by given path in A/X
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path - Out
- C, C=0 on success (A=0), C=1 and A=
update direntry given as pointer (A/Y) to FAT32 directory entry structure for file fd (X).
- In
- X - file descriptor to fd_area of the file
A/Y - pointer to direntry buffer with updated direntry data of type F32DirEntry - Out
- C - C = 0 on success (A=0), C = 1 and A =
otherwise. C=1/A=EOK if end of directory is reached
write byte to file
- In
- A, byte to write
X, offset into fs area - Out
- C, 0 on success, 1 on error
krn_chrout | krn_execv | krn_getkey | krn_upload |
output character
- In
- A, character to output
load PRG file at path and execute it
- In
- A, low byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path
X, high byte of pointer to zero terminated string with the file path - Out
- A error code on error
get byte from keyboard buffer
- Out
- A, fetched key
C, 1 - key was fetched, 0 - nothing fetched
jump to kernel XMODEM upload
krn_sd_read_block | krn_sd_write_block |
Read block from SD Card
- In
- lba_addr, LBA address of block
sd_blkptr, target adress for the block data to be read - Out
- A, error code
C, 0 - success, 1 - error - Clobbers
- A,X,Y
Write block to SD Card
- In
- lba_addr, LBA address of block
sd_blkptr, target adress for the block data to be read - Out
- A, error code
C, 0 - success, 1 - error - Clobbers
- A,X,Y
krn_spi_deselect | krn_spi_select_device | spi_r_byte | spi_rw_byte | uart_rx | uart_tx |
deselect all SPI devices
select spi device given in A. the method is aware of the current processor state, especially the interrupt flag
- In
- ; A, spi device, one of devices see spi.inc
- Out
- Z = 1 spi for given device could be selected (not busy), Z=0 otherwise
read byte via SPI
- Out
- A, received byte
- Clobbers
- A,X
transmit byte via SPI
- In
- A, byte to transmit
- Out
- A, received byte
- Clobbers
- A,X,Y
receive byte via serial interface
- Out
- A, received byte
send byte via serial interface
- In
- A, byte to send
textui_blank | textui_cursor_onoff | textui_disable | textui_enable | textui_init | textui_reset | textui_setmode | textui_update_crs_ptr | textui_update_screen |
blank screen, set cursor to top left corner
- In
toggle the blinking cursor on if off or off if on
- In
disable text ui - cursor will be disabled
- In
enable text ui
- In
init the text ui if used for the first time. like kernel start or kind of
- In
reset text ui by setting the internal state accordingly.
- In
set desired text mode which is either 40 (MSX TEXT 1) or 80 columns (MSX TEXT 2)
- In
- A - the desired mode, either VIDEO_MODE_80_COLS or 0 to reset to 40 column mode
update to new cursor position given in crs_x and crs_y zeropage locations
- In
update internal state - is called on v-blank
- In