
VCFe 23.0 - UPDATE

Update VCFe 23.0 has been postponed until September 7th due to issues with the building. Save the date! The 23th annual European Vintage Computer Festival will take place on 7./8. September 2024 ! And of course there can be no VCFe without Steckschwein. This time is special, as we first presented the humble beginnings of our (then nameless) favourite homebrew computer at VCF 15.0 in 2014. So this year not only marks the 10th anniversary of the Steckschwein, but also the 10th anniversary of the VCFe being “home” of the Steckschwein.

SBC - Revision 0.6

After some troubleshooting, we finally finished Revision 0.6 of our boards, and the new boards are finally there, ready to be assembled. We managed to fix all the issues we found, and also did some cleaning up, used better footprints for the resistors and the mini DIN jacks. Soldering session coming up.. Revision 0.6 boards are there

SBC - troubleshooting

Our debugging journey at VCFe began right at powering up the board the first time, when something got real hot real fast. Fair enough, and easy to spot. There was a mixup of VCC and GND at U29, a 74HCT244. Embarassing, but not that critical, as U29 is only used to connect the joystick ports to Port A of the VIA. We can live without them for now. The mixup likely happened when I transferred the IO-board schematics from KiCad 6 to 7 while updating the symbols from the current library, which happened to be different than the old ones.

It's alive - sort of

Our plan for VCF2 22.0 was to assemble the first Steckschwein SBC right at our booth as some kind of show-cooking event. That only half worked, as this quickly turned into show-debugging instead of show-cooking. It was only just right before the end of VCFe 22.0, just before we had to pack everything up, we managed to get the SBC to talk to us via serial: So once again, we are in troubleshooting mode.

New boards are here!

Just in time for VCFe 22.0 our new SBC boards have arrived! Be there at VCFe, when we are assembling the new Steckschwein SBC and have a few beers with us! Save the date(s): 29.4. - 1.5.2023 ESV München OST, now at Hermann-Weinhauser-Straße 7 81673 München Check it out: